. DSPIllustrations.com

Learning DSP Illustrated

Digital signal processing, foundations of communications engineering and physical layer communication techniques.

Illustrative explanation instead of boring math

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The Prime Music, Staircase and Riemann Hypothesis

Numerical calculations and sound samples about prime numbers and Riemann's prime-generating function.

(8326 times read)

Schmidl&Cox Synchronization for OFDM

Description of the most popular OFDM synchronization algorithm.

(25337 times read)

Using your soundcard for hands-on digital communication

Introduction to use your soundcard as a software-defined radio

(21639 times read)

Intuitive Explanation of OFDM

Explaining OFDM from the continuous-time standpoint, without FFT/IFFT.

(12845 times read)

Linearity, Causality and Time-Invariance of a System

How can you recognize a linear, a causal and a time-invariant system?

(129716 times read)

The complex Fourier Series and its relation to the Fourier Transform

The three different representations of the Fourier Series and how they lead to the Fourier Transform.

(22185 times read)

The Sound of Harmonics - Approximating instrument sounds with Fourier Series

Listen to the sound of a saxophone and describe it mathematically.

(17241 times read)

Fourier Series and Harmonic Approximation

Fundamental Fourier: Expansion of periodic functions into sums of sines and cosines.

(49963 times read)

The Convolution Theorem and Application Examples

Illustrations on the Convolution Theorem and how it can be practically applied.

(61001 times read)

Multipath Propagation and its Effect on Audio

Explanation on the causes of multipath propagation and illustrating their effects on audio samples.

(10835 times read)

The Cyclic Prefix (CP) in OFDM

Explanation on why the cyclic prefix (CP) is used in an OFDM system.

(50182 times read)

How does Quantization Noise Sound?

We illustrate the effect of quantization noise in terms of audio samples.

(15601 times read)

Circular Convolution Example

Pictorial description of the operation of circular convolution.

(35091 times read)

Quantization and Quantization noise

What does a quantizer do, what is quantization noise and how do we calculate it?

(21859 times read)

Baseband up- and downconversion and IQ modulation

Complete walkthrough of a digital transmission chain including AD/DA conversion and up/downconversion

(51903 times read)

Convolution Examples and the Convolution Integral

This article explains the convolution operation with the help of animated graphs.

(64375 times read)

Aliasing and Anti-Aliasing Filter

Explanation of Aliasing, how it sounds and what the anti-Aliasing filter does.

(21176 times read)

Group delay and phase delay example

Explanation of the terms group delay and phase delay with an example of a bandpass RLC filter.

(44471 times read)

Decibel conversion: Factor 10 or Factor 20?

Explanation why dB conversion sometimes uses factor 10 and sometimes factor 20.

(92411 times read)

Python OFDM Example

Illustration of a basic OFDM example including channel estimation for OFDM.

(69646 times read)

Eye diagram examples

How to create an eye diagram and check for the first and second Nyquist criterion.

(18145 times read)

Spectral Leakage, Zero-Padding and Frequency Resolution

We derive and illustrate the special properties of the DFT due to its discrete nature including an audio example.

(64064 times read)

The Dirac Comb and its Fourier Transform

Time and frequency properties of the Dirac Comb

(47536 times read)

Approximating the Fourier Transform with DFT

Understand, how the continuous-time Fourier Transform and discrete Fourier Transform are related

(18603 times read)

Properties of the Fourier Transform

Linearity, Time-shift and Modulation property of the Fourier Transform

(45840 times read)

The first Nyquist criterion

Understanding the first Nyquist criterion and its implications.

(12883 times read)

Welcome to DSPIllustrations.com!

Motivation for this resource and setting up the coding environment

(20449 times read)

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